1,1汽车车轮定位参数前有几个检查检查名称是什么 2车内需要安装

1. 轮胎气压,钢圈无变形,方向盘打正,车辆水平正常。2. 方向盘固定好。再看看别人怎么说的。

1汽车车轮定位参数前有几个检查检查名称是什么 2车内需要安装





阻燃的 气味 冷凝 甲醛 总碳挥发 冷热交变 想配齐 得不少资金 还是看公司情况 慢慢配吧
最好具体指出是什么零件,是不是外观件,有没有喷漆或其他表面处理。下面是一个dv得例子,可以参考。 gme 13003 part 9 used as cts 4.1.1 ecr-r21 dimensional compliance 4.2 functional tests 4.3 visual inspection and dimensional testing. 4.4 combustion behavior. 4.5 color fastness to light. 4.6 actuation forces. 4.7 leakage test. 4.9 vibration test. 4.10 durability test. 4.13 oxidation stability 4.14 odor characteristics. 4.15 impact strength. 4.17 paint finish gmw14867 3.3 cure test 3.4 as received paint adhesion 3.5 humidity test 3.6.1 effect of cleaners and lotions (cleaners) 3.6.3 sunscreen and insect repellant resistance 3.6 color crock 3.8 fogging 3.9 oven aging 3.12 wear resistance 3.13 scratch resistance. 3.14 perspiration resistance 3.15 odor 3.16.3 artifcial weathering 5.2 restricted and reportable substances for parts. 4.18 material tests gmw14444 3.2.1 visual evaluation of automotive trim 3.3.3 fogging, volatility of organic constituents - code e parts only. 3.4.1 environmental cycling / resistance to temperature cycling 3.5.2 resistance to cleaning agents


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